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热度 14已有 6728 次阅读2010-1-25 11:08 |个人分类:Tik的新消息


Here is another long chat about Tik re woody talk from one web {soccer, mostly dude talk} I found this from google search, he is not Tik fans club, he’s football fans actually and that web is for football fans/ gang. I translate just the person who posted this and not the reply thread as it too long, but all agreed with him. I am so happy that many people know the real Tik more



Posted: ashburton grove: 22 Jan 10:
另:2010122贴于ashburton grove
Topic: The man named Tik Jesdaporn is super handsome!!!
主题:名为Tik 西达邦的男人超级帅气
I bet many of you have watched the woody show but for those who missed it and only know this dude by his face!
Tik became famous from his Dang Birley role in Dang Bireley and The Young Gangsters movie, since then he had been in the screen continuously up until around 2006 he left lakorn work to became truly conservationist!
因在《2499喋血青春》中出演Dang Birley一角而风靡全国,之后他频频出现在荧屏中直到2006年,然后他离开电视剧的拍摄而成为真正意义上的(navigator主持人)
It’s the fact that everyone imagine of him with a perception that this Praeak is handsome and he has face as a weapon. No one can deny that they don’t know this famous guy and adored him so much but…deep down under his handsome face are his philosophy, thinking, good heart which showed from his straight forward interview and these are even more handsome than his pretty face
Here are just some of his words in the interview from this “man”!
“I have a City looked face but I have a wild country heart though!”
He is the famous Praeak who turned down a large amount of income of 3 years merely to pursue his opportunity!
“Of course, everyone wants money but opportunity should come first as it comes once and never return. I have to give myself a chance when it comes. There are many times that we tell or blame ourselves, ‘why’s that I didn’t take/ do that, shame on me, etc, etc. so, I decided I should grasp the chance and do what I like and the thing I do should never disturb anyone”
He is the star who knows very much about jungle/ nature, he ranked among the tops of this country with that much knowledge!
“Our number 1 forest related problem is coordination; each unit, department, ministry seems not well communicate and corporate. The person at the top ‘Minister of Natural Resources and Environment’ is the person to have a full heart for forest, nature in his blood and a conservationist. We expect an insight, knowledge on how to proper manage the limited resources and arrange the villagers to live without making damage to forests. There have been several policies from several top persons and it too scattered”
“Nowadays, we emphasis on economy, on growing GDP but we left behind the core of humanity that is our heart, soul and nature. We are a lot behind on establishing awareness to our people on that so we let the material lead and left the soul far behind”
“We have freedom of choice we can do anything but we should never disturb others or do any harm to others. Do not gain and be happy on the expense of others! Your gain and happiness should derive from making/ letting others happy too”
“I am no ‘good’ {dee} yet I am named Pholdee
And that’s about the man named Tik Jesdaporn Pholdee
He is many people’s idol and he is the only Thai Praeak I like!
Nowadays’ Praeaks never can match Tik, they carry pretty/ Praeak face but not qualified as Praeak. Some new Praeaks starting to act and over proud of their fames…anyone else at all, who has this exceptional heart like this Preak?
Tik has both pretty face and good heart krub he deserved to be true idol
PS. There was a Q and A section between Pe Tik and the Prime Minister Apisit, just to remind you that you can’t afford to miss this part, his Q were so cool, he gave the PM all tough Q, watch out from the clips here
For me Tik is the most good looking guy krub!!!


发表评论 评论 (11 个评论)

回复 vichida 2010-1-25 13:40
回复 vichida 2010-1-25 13:47
let the material lead, left soul far behind,我想他意思是“物质挂帅,精神建设却大大落后”(这词有点中国特色,大概这意思)
回复 山水杰妮 2010-1-25 16:56
杰西妹妹(山水杰妮)追随你(TIK)整整一年了,你不仅很帅气,有才,有魅力,有气质, 有责任感,还特善良。是你(TIK)带我找到另一个天堂,我愿继续追随你、关注你、爱着你。
回复 网球 2010-1-25 18:52
回复 静云 2010-1-25 21:06
回复 燕玲珑 2010-1-25 21:54
回复 plum_lj 2010-1-26 09:26
回复 tik爱 2010-1-27 10:46
回复 崔淑娟 2010-1-27 17:21
回复 xiaxue96 2010-1-29 20:37
回复 秋水长天晚晴 2012-6-5 22:21

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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